
Statement of Germany during the meeting of UNIFIL troop contributing countries, 15 October 2024.

15.10.2024 - Speech

The statement was delivered by Thomas Zahneisen, Deputy Permanent Representative.

Mr. Secretary General,

Like many previous speakers before me, I want to thank you for convening today’s meeting.

We fully support your principled decision, Mr. Secretary General, that the UNIFIL troops will remain on site.

We are convinced that UNIFIL plays a key role in monitoring the situation and implementing Security Council Resolution 1701, a task that must continue, especially under the current conditions.

And I can assure you that Germany will remain fully committed to UNIFIL.

Further, I can only echo what has been said by all delegations today.

We have repeatedly expressed our deep concern in the wake of recent attacks by IDF on UNIFIL bases, which have left several peacekeepers injured.

We stand in full solidarity with those soldiers that have been wounded and those UN Peacekeepers who continue to serve under exceptionally difficult circumstances.

UN Peacekeepers must never be attacked, and their safety and security needs to be respected at all times, and by all.

Attacks on peacekeepers are attacks on the UN as a whole, on the Charter
and on our common efforts to solve conflicts peacefully.

All attacks must stop immediately.

The protection of peacekeepers is incumbent upon all parties to a conflict.

We call on Israel and all parties to uphold their obligations to ensure the safety and security of all UNIFIL personnel at all times and to allow UNIFIL to continue carrying out its important mandate.

Thank you.

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