
“Sahel Resilience Partnership” - World Food Programme, UNICEF and Germany join forces.

Sahel Resilience Initiative | Panel discussion

Sahel Resilience Initiative | Panel discussion, © German Mission to the UN


An exhibition and a workshop put preventive action in West Africa center stage at the UN Headquarters in New York.

For many years already, the World Food Programme (WFP) and Germany have fostered a fruitful partnership in many world regions. The Sahel region has been a particularly pertinent example for positive results of this co-operation.

Sahel Resilience Initiative | exhibition
Sahel Resilience Initiative | exhibition © German Mission to the UN


An exhibition at the UN Headquarters in New York, which has opened in the last days of January 2024, presents the success of the Sahel Resilience Initiative for renaturation and humanitarian development. Since 2018, this Initiative has reached 3.2 million people and managed to rehabilitate 280,000 hectars of land. Consequently, 80% of the communities who got supported did not need humnaitarian aid. As part of the school feeding component, almost 500,00 children werde provided with nutritious school meals.

Accompanying the exhibition, a panel discussion took place on 29 January 2024 in order to promote dialogue among essential stakeholders, including experts and representatives from national governments. They shares evidence and local solutions to enhance the resilience of agricultural and food systems in a region grappling with political crises, conflicts, and acute food insecurity.

For Germany, Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen, contributed to the discussion:

“We have deliberatedly established a strategic partnership with WFP, which we have stepped up into the Sahel Resilience Initiative. It is one of our most substantial partnerships worldwide, supported with nearly half a billion euros so far.”

Sahel Resilience Initiative | illustration of work in the region
Sahel Resilience Initiative | illustration of work in the region © WFP


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