Exhibition at the UN Headquarter in New York: Germany's 50 Years Anniversary

Exhibition “Germany 50 Years in the United Nations”, October 2023, © German Mission to the UN | Dreiseitl
We have come a long way together and we wish to remain a leading force for the future of the UN.
In Fall 2023, the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations organized an exhibition in the UN Headquarters in New York, which offered members of UN delegations and UN staff the opportunity to learn and interact.

The exhibition takes a look back upon five decades of German engagement in, with and for the United Nations.
But far from just offering a historical perspective, the exhibition also discussed current and future activities which serve to make the UN and multilateralism fit for the future.

While passing our colorful and diverse “anniversary windows”, visitors could run through various fields of UN action which require our united efforts.
Many guests of the exhibition took pictures at our Happy Birthday selfie wall, watched the video to the GermanyUN original song and enjoyed our give-aways such as UN Charters and gummy bears mini packs from Germany.

Find here the correct answers to our quiz questions presented in the exhibition!
The correct answer is
b) A Piece of the Berlin Wall with a graffito named “Trophy of the Civil Rights”.
The correct answer is
a) Schnitzel Pass
The correct answer is
c) Adopted in 1997, it seeks to end the use of anti-personnel landmines.
The correct answer is ...
b) He applied it to long-term forest preservation.
The correct answer is
b) A UN-hosted financing instrument for risk analytics to improve early warning and crisis action.
The correct answer is
a) The “Deutschland ticket”, a low-price monthly flatrate train ticket valid all over Germany.
The correct answer is
c) Bats, Migratory Species of Wild Animals, African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds, small cetaceans.