
Speech on the occasion of the Ministerial Round Table “National mechanisms for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls” during the 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

12.03.2025 - Speech

Speech by the by the Federal Vice-Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Ekin Deligöz

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Distinguished Colleagues,
The Beijing Platform for Action is a mandate, even 30 years later:
A mandate for us all to finally make gender equality a reality.
To this day, no country around the world has actually achieved true gender equality.
Even more importantly: in many countries there are signs of worrying rollback.
That is why it is all the more urgent that we as the international community stay the course!
In Germany, we have already taken a number of steps in the past few years.
Improving the protection of women against violence was a matter close to my heart.
Enabling women and girls to live in safety is a necessary condition – the required minimum – for them to live as equals in society.
In February, we adopted the Violence Assistance Act, which for the first time grants women the right to protection and counseling.
This will ensure that every woman affected by violence gets help – no matter where she is from, no matter how much money she has.
We are also strengthening women’s autonomy over their bodies.
My body, my choice: this is non-negotiable.
That is why we have amended the Pregnancy Conflicts Act:
pregnant women have the right to unbiased counseling –
the right to decide autonomously about an abortion.
And they must no longer be harassed in front of counseling centers and medical facilities.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
In terms of economic gender equality and equal pay specifically, Germany still has to catch up.
In Germany, over their life course, women earn half as much as men – one reason for this is that one in two women in Germany works part-time, in most cases involuntarily.
Economic self-sufficiency AND a fair distribution of care work therefore remain a key goal.
That is why we are expanding childcare, and we are working on a family-friendly world of work – together with partners from the private sector and trade unions.
And we want to get more women into leadership positions.
Women’s quota in supervisory and management boards work:
we have seen it in Germany.
I hope that women in business, politics and society will be heard and seen –
Let us fight for a just, colorful and democratic future.
Let us therefore jointly continue the work of the women who drafted the Beijing Platform for Action!
Let us continue to work hard and, where necessary, counter the backlash.
Thank you very much.

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