German Statement during the United Nations General Assembly meeting following Russia’s veto of amendments to a UNSC resolution regarding the “Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine”, 6 March 2025.

Use of the veto, © Germany UN
The statement was delivered by Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen, Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany.
Germany aligns itself with the statements delivered by the European Union and by Liechtenstein on behalf of a group of countries. I want to thank the President of the General Assembly for convening this meeting.
I would like to recall what has happened last week: the European members of the Security Council, in consultation with Ukraine, proposed three draft amendments to a resolution that was just introduced to the Security Council.
These amendments were based on crucial elements of two resolutions that only hours before the General Assembly had adopted with overwhelming majority. These amendments called for peace negotiations to be conducted within the framework of the UN Charter. They made clear that a sham peace – one that does not respect the principles of our Charter – will not endure.
The Russian Federation, a permanent member of the Security Council, decided to vote against these amendments, resulting in the use of a veto against two out of the three amendments.
Through the use of the veto, Russia has – once again – proven a blatant disregard for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The vetoes also demonstrated – yet again – Russia’s obstinate resistance to the call for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in line with the UN Charter. The three votes of Russia against the amendments also disregarded Article 27 paragraph 3 of the UN Charter, which provides that, “in decisions under Chapter VI, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting”.
Last week, this Assembly sent a strong message in support of the European amendments. It has stated loud and clear its expectation to achieve a just and lasting peace in Ukraine – a peace rooted in the UN Charter that respects the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all Member States, be they large or be they small. Germany is grateful for the broad support to these principles that has been expressed by members of this Assembly. However, through the vetoes, Russia decided to ignore the broad majority of this forum.
Last week also clearly demonstrated that the General Assembly’s voice in matters of peace and security is indispensable, particularly in a situation where one Permanent Member holds the Council hostage by pursuing its own agenda of territorial conquest and expansionism against a sovereign independent state and neighbor.
Germany welcomes the intention of the resolution put forward by the United States and adopted by the Security Council to build a momentum towards peace. Together with the two resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, this strengthens our resolve to finding a lasting solution for peace in Ukraine. We should let this shared ambition guide our collective efforts to bring an end to this war.
And yet, the terms of an end to this war can only be decided by negotiations that include Ukraine. No peace will be comprehensive and sustainable without Ukraine’s participation and without Ukraine’s consent.
Time and again, this Assembly has echoed the resounding call for “regional solutions to regional problems” – this is exactly what we are working on. It is our strong conviction as Europeans that there can also be no peace in Europe without Europe’s participation.
Germany remains committed to supporting all efforts to achieve a just, inclusive and lasting peace in line with the UN Charter – a peace that ensures a safer world for all of us, but above all for the Ukrainian people.