German Statement during the United Nations General Assembly 11th Emergency Special Session, 24 February 2025.

11th ESS, © GermanyUN
The statement was delivered by Ambassador Antje Leendertse, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations.
Thank you, Mr. President,
Germany aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union.
Mr. President,
Three years ago, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and started a war that shook the foundations of European and global security.
Russia violated a guiding principle upon which the United Nations was founded: That we respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all Member States, large and small.
Today, the General Assembly has made its position clear. Together, we once again have agreed on the urgent need for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine, consistent with the Charter of the United Nations. We have called for an immediate cessation of the hostilities of Russia against Ukraine. And we joined the call for accountability for the most serious crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine.
Russia must end its war of aggression. This war must end in line with our UN Charter, with full respect to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders. And the war must end in a way that guarantees that Russia never again uses force to attempt to redraw the borders of Ukraine, violating Europe’s security.
A sham peace, imposed against the will of the Ukrainian people, will serve no one.
The sovereignty of Members of this organization must be protected. Every state must be able to freely choose its destiny without fearing aggression. That is why we have stood resolutely with Ukraine - also today. And we will continue our support, in solidarity with Ukraine, in defense of Europe’s security and for the sake of the UN Charter – the Charter that safeguards all nations, large and small, from aggression.
Mr. President, Excellencies, Colleagues,
The world is watching how we rise to the challenge of ending this war. Let us choose wisely. Let us choose justice. Let us choose a peace that ensures a safer world for all of us.
Thank you.