
Statement of Germany at the meeting of the Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS

31.01.2025 - Speech

The Statement was delivered by Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen, Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany.

Germany aligns with the joint statement delivered by Belgium. I would like to add a few remarks in national capacity.

My first is of a more general nature.

For us, for Germany, reproductive health and rights are fundamental. Fundamental to achieving equality, to combating discrimination, and to ensuring that every individual, every woman, can live a life of dignity and autonomy.

Today, unfortunately, these rights are under severe pressure worldwide.

For us, protecting these rights is not only a matter of health and empowerment. Protecting these rights is a cornerstone of protecting universal human rights, human dignity, and gender equality.

And finally, for us, these rights stand for the values of the United Nations Charter.

I want to reaffirm Germany’s unwavering support to safeguard and to promote SRHR.

My second remark, Mr. President, is specifically on the next Strategic Plan (2026-2029)

In general, we believe, the report must reflect

  • first our shared commitment to human rights at the core of sustainable development and
  • second the full inclusion and participation of women and girls as drivers of change.

In addition, three focus areas are of particular importance to us:

First, the need for prioritizing maternal and newborn health: improving the quality of care, enhancing midwifery support and integrating maternal and newborn health services in a comprehensive manner in all planning.

Second, priority must be given to the unique needs of adolescent girls, protecting them from harmful practices, early marriage, and unintended pregnancies. At the same time, ensuring access to education and health services remains essential.

Third, efficiency. In the face of financial constraints, increasing efficiency will be crucial. UNFPA is a frontrunner in terms of inter-agency collaboration. We commend the agency for this achievement. UNFPA is therefore well-positioned to further expand its leadership and strengthen synergies with other UN agencies and global health initiatives.

Mr President,

In conclusion, Germany remains firmly committed to UNFPA’s mission and we will actively contribute to the development of the new Strategic Plan.

We further believe, now is a pivotal moment.

A pivotal moment to strengthen UNFPA, to show our collective commitment to promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights, to ensure dignity for all and thereby creating accelerating progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mr President,

As I have not exceeded my allocated time and more than 50 seconds are still left, please allow me to end on a personal note.

I had the honor to participate in the Board visit to Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. What I saw deeply impressed and moved me.

I saw a highly committed, highly professional UNFPA staff. Two teams that created real impact for women, girls and host societies. They are deeply embedded in both societies and work in true partnerships with host governments.

All this is achieved under exceptionally difficult circumstances. Just to reach Odesa puts incredible strain on all of them.

I know that Moldova and Ukraine are not the exception, but the rule for UNFPA staff.

I would like to thank the entire UNFPA staff across the globe and in NY for their exceptional work and resilience in times of great uncertainty, not least with regard to the financial future of the agency.

And, I cannot end without explicitly thanking ED Natalia Kanem for her exceptional leadership.

You all make a real difference in the life of millions

I thank you!

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