Statement by Ambassador Antje Leendertse on the occasion of Germany’s official launch of its candidacy for a non-permanent seat in theUnited Nations Security Council, 2027-28

Ambassador Antje Leendertse, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations, delivers a speech at the reception on 3 December 2024., © German Mission to the UN / Bianca Otero
Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear colleagues and friends,
It is my pleasure to welcome you all here at the New York Public Library today.
Today we launch Germany’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council in 2027/2028.
As you just saw: Germany would like to take a seat in order to stand up – for respect, justice and peace.
Over the past 50 years, Germany has been one of the most steadfast and active supporters of the United Nations.
Today, we are the organization’s second-biggest contributor.
We remain deeply committed to multilateralism, which is rooted in Germany’s political DNA.
The Pact for the Future has shown: When we try, when we act in concert, we can hammer out difficult compromises.
If elected, Germany will work toward a Security Council that is able to fulfil the tasks that it was entrusted with by the UN Charter.
As a Member of the Security Council, we will make sure to listen and to understand every Member State’s perspective – and make sure they are adequately reflected in our positions in Council debates.
Countries concerned by Security Council decisions need to be thoroughly consulted and treated as equal partners.
The E10 have become an increasingly influential group in the Security Council.
Germany would like to foster co-operation among the E10, drawing on the excellent work done by former and current elected members.
We would like to work to reinvigorate UN peacekeeping – one of the UN’s big success stories, building on the outcomes of the Berlin Peacekeeping Ministerial next year.
We are looking forward to cooperating more closely with the Peacebuilding Commission, and will approach this cooperation from the perspective of PBC Chair in 2025.
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,
We will further our efforts in tackling a variety of global challenges – from within the Security Council, but also in other UN fora.
We will work on preventing the adverse effects of climate change, including on peace and security.
We will fight for upholding international law and holding perpetrators accountable.
We will focus on empowering women in all peace efforts and leadership.
We will work towards a reformed UN that is fit for the challenges that need to be addressed in the interest of future generations.
If elected as a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2027/2028, Germany will work hand in glove with all Member States to jointly reach these objectives. Before we turn to the buffet and the German wines, a very short address by Federal Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz.
Dear friends,
Let us enjoy this evening together, towards the end of an intense year 2024, in this beautiful, historic building of the New York Public Library. The awarded German jazz saxophonist, Tobias Meinhart, and his jazz combo will warm up the hall now again. As will the German mulled wine – our “Glühwein”.
Enjoy the evening, and thank you.