Statement by Germany during the United Nations General Assembly General Debate on the Use of the Veto, 20 November 2024.

Use of the Veto, © Germany UN
The statement was delivered by Michael Geisler, Political Coordinator.
Mr. President,
Germany aligns itself with the statement delivered by Liechtenstein on behalf of a group of countries. In addition, I would like to underscore the following in my national capacity.
The strength of the United Nations lies not in the dominance of the few, but in the collective will of the many. This is why Germany is a strong supporter of the veto initiative which assures that the many will get a say if one or very few countries block decisive action on matters of peace and security – as just happened again this Monday and this morning.
The veto initiative is a substantial step in the right direction. It has already demonstrated posi-tive effects, improving the Security Council’s accountability towards the General Assembly and the broader membership. There are only benefits on all sides if a veto decision is going to be explained vis-à- vis the UN membership.
We are convinced that more can be done. The recently adopted Pact for the Future highlights the critical importance of addressing the question of the veto in the context of Security Council reform. It is important that we reach a meaningful agreement on the future of this prerogative.
Limiting both the scope and actual use of the veto is essential for creating a more inclusive, transparent, and responsive Security Council. Germany strongly advocates for restraint in the exercise of the veto, particularly in cases involving mass atrocities and war crimes, in order to prioritize the protection of civilians in conflict situations. We call upon all Member States to support the ACT Code of Conduct and the French-Mexican Initiative on veto restraint.
I thank you.