The UN General Assembly adopts with vast majority landmark resolution regarding Russia's Aggression against Ukraine

Voting result of the UN General Assembly for the resolution “Aggression Against Ukraine”, © Permanenet Mission of Germany to the UN
On March 2nd, 2022 the General Assembly voted on a Resolution which takes a strong position against Russia's aggression against Ukraine. The text, which was tabled by Ukraine in the framework of an Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly, received 141 votes in favour. Only five states voted against and 31 abstentions were registered.
The UN General Assembly acted under the “Uniting for Peace” Framework which allows the UNGA to seize matters from the UN Security Council under certain circumstances. In this case, Russia's veto against a resolution of the UN Security Council (February 24th, 2022) led to a situation where the majority of UN Security Council members called on the UN General Assembly to act instead. In the UN General Assembly a veto right does not exist.
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This Resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly on March 2nd, 2022 with a vast majority of 141 votes in favour (5 against, 35 abstentions). Germany voted in favor. The Resolution was tabled by…