
Statement of Germany in the meeting of the UN Security Council on “Enhancing the dialogue and cooperation between the Security Council and the Peacebuilding Commission,” 20 December 2023

20.12.2023 - Speech

The statement was delivered by Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen (Chargé d'affaires)

Thank you Chair,

I would like to thank Brazil for organizing this meeting today.

I also want to take the opportunity to congratulate Brazil on its successful Security Council tenure.

We strongly welcome that Brazil will play a key role in the Peace Building Commission next year. The Commission will definitely profit from Brazil’s experience as informal coordinator between the Council and the PBC (especially with regard to the upcoming 2025 PB review).

Mr Chair,

Over the past months, as Co-Facilitator of the Summit of the Future, we have conducted numerous consultations on how to best follow up on the Secretary General’s report “A New Agenda for Peace”. One key feedback we consistently got, was an overwhelming cross-regional support for a strengthening of the Commission, including its advisory and bridging role in relation to the Security Council.

We therefore strongly welcome today’s open discussion. Without strengthening the coordination between the two bodies, we will not achieve our collective objective of a more effective United Nations in the field of prevention and peace consolidation.

Mr Chair,

Allow me to highlight two areas, where we believe, the cooperation between Security Council and the PBC could be deepened:

First, is on countries in transition phases, whose number is continuously growing. The PBC should play a bigger role in accompanying these countries, provided that the respective governments wish to remain engaged.

The interaction of the Council and the PBC could be twofold: starting with Informal Interactive Dialogues on transition priorities and challenges, but also, where appropriate, on specific (country related) transition contexts. These dialogues could then pave the way for formal PBC meetings, once the countries are no longer on the Council’s agenda. Such PBC meetings could bringing together the respective countries’ government, the UN Country Team, IFIs, civil society and other stakeholders in order to develop joint transition approaches.

Second, the PBC can and should increase its focus on early warning and prevention, given the fact that the Security Council will, for the foreseeable future, keep its focus on ongoing conflicts and crises.

Many countries already actively seek advice and support from the UN on how to deal best with emerging risks to their stability and peace.

We believe the PBC can assume this crucial role.

The PBC’s flexibility, its bridging and convening role, and the voluntary character of its meetings make it the perfect platform for countries that wish to present and garner support for their national prevention approaches and strategies.

On the basis of the lessons and experiences shared in such prevention-focused meetings, the PBC could later advise the Security Council on prevention best practices for consideration in mandates of Special Political Missions and relevant thematic meetings.

Mr Chair,

In conclusion, we strongly believe in the potential of deepening the cooperation between the Security Council and the PBC, in full respect and full consideration of their respective mandates.

We’re looking forward to continuing this discussion with Council and PBC members in the coming months.

Thank you!

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