
Statement of Germany in the First Meeting of the IGN in the 78th General Assembly, ''Negotiations to reinforce and build convergence',' 13 December 2023

13.12.2023 - Speech

The statement was delivered by Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen.


Germany aligns itself with the statement delivered by Brazil on behalf of the G4.

At the outset, allow me to express once again our gratitude, as articulated in the joint G4 statement, for your leadership and for your decision to address the five interconnected clusters in a comprehensive manner.

This comprehensive approach, considering the well-established positions of Member States on the individual clusters, holds, we believe, the promise of yielding more concrete results than previous attempts.

Additionally, I would like to emphasize that Germany welcomes all constructive proposals. We hope that every member state's proposal, focusing on any of the five clusters (or on questions related to a combination of these clusters), will be treated with equality and fairness as long as it contributes to the overall objective of advancing the reform.

On the substantive matters, please permit me to make three concise points:

1. The first in on equitable geographic representation.

The discussion on this issue is inherently tied to the question of categories of membership.

To adequately address calls for better representation from different regions, it is our firm conviction, the Security Council must expand in both categories, permanent and non-permanent members.

2. Second, we believe that Member States should duly consider, during the nomination and election of non-permanent members, the adequate and continuing representation of small and medium-sized States, especially Small Island Developing States.

3. We echo the sentiments of many who spoke already today on the urgent need to enhance the interaction between the Security Council and the principal organs of the United Nations, as well as its subsidiary bodies.

This imperative also extends to fostering cooperation between the Security Council and relevant countries and regional organizations, with particular emphasis on the African Union.

Speaking of the African Union,

Let me reiterate our firm belief that one outcome of this cycle of informal consultations should be an acknowledgment of the overwhelming support for the Common African Position, enshrined in the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration.

Distinguished Co-Chairs,

Today, we witnessed once more the wish of an overwhelming majority of Member States to finally achieve progress. In this spirit, I urge all Member States to engage constructively in the structured dialogue as recommended by you, the Co-Chairs.

I thank you.

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