
Statement by Germany on the 3C Resolution on “National Human Rights Institutions”, 10 November 2023

10.11.2023 - Speech

The Statement was delivered by Daniel Drescher, political advisor.

Thank you, Mr. Chair; colleagues,

Germany has the honour to introduce draft resolution L-27.

At the outset, we want to express our gratitude to all delegations for their very constructive and cooperative engagement throughout the negotiation process.

The resolution before us sets the framework for the cooperation between the United Nations system on the one hand, and National Human Rights Institutions as well as the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions on the other hand.

Currently, there are around 120 national human rights institutions globally which operate – either fully or partially – in compliance with the so-called Paris Principles: 33 in Africa, 18 in the Americas, 28 in the Asia Pacific, and 38 in Europe.

Because of this global presence, this resolution enjoys strong cross-regional support.

This year, delegations agreed on two substantial changes:

First, we focus language on the increasingly pressing issue of climate change. We acknowledge the contributions many NHRIs are making towards combatting climate change and its impacts already, in particular on promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the context of climate action. We also hope that focussing on this issue will encourage even more NHRIs to engage in the field of combatting climate change.

Second, we point out that NHRIs have a positive impact on the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals more broadly. We note that NHRIs can help member states fast-track vital protection and other services to those left behind, and that the pace of progress in establishing NHRIs must be increased. The latest SDG Report states that the annual growth rate of the number of NHRIs should grow from 2.4 percent this year to 10 percent by 2030.

We also included a reference to the 30th anniversary of the Paris Principles this year.

Let me conclude by thanking all delegations who have already become co-sponsors of this resolution. We hope for a consensual adoption again this year, in order to send a strong signal of support to all NHRIs and to recognize their indispensable work to strengthen human rights around the world.

Thank you.

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