
German Statement in Forth Committee Debate on Peacekeeping, 1 November 2023

01.11.2023 - Speech

The Statement was delivered by Michael Geisler, Political Coordinator.

Mme Chair,

We align ourselves with the statement of the European Union.

At its 75th anniversary, UN Peacekeeping is facing many challenges. Over recent decades, it has become increasingly clear that Peacekeeping is a crucial instrument in the toolbox of the UN, but can – by itself – not function as a panacea to all problems.

We have also observed that the operating environment for Peacekeeping missions has become increasingly complex and dangerous: terrorism, climate change, organized crime, cyberattacks, disinformation constitute new security challenges.

In this situation, a shared vision on peacekeeping and necessary adaptations to specific missions are the basis for Peacekeeping to work. A shared vision among us here present, but also a shared vision among Member States and the Security Council are essential for success.

The vast majority of Member States seems to agree to this common understanding of the main challenges. So what could be the steps forward?

First, we need to both optimize the existing processes and practices and further develop new frameworks and approaches. The Secretary General has provided us with food for thought in his New Agenda for Peace, which we explicitly welcome. Along with him, we want to make Peacekeeping Missions “more nimble, adaptable and effective.”

While this is an on-going and continuous process within different UN fora, the Summit of the Future provides a perfect framework allowing member states to consider the SG’s recommendations and jointly work towards decisions for the Pact of the Future until September next year. As co-facilitators of the process, Germany and Namibia hope for your constructive engagement on Chapter Two on Peace and Security, which includes critical ideas for UN Peacekeeping.

One aspect, which enjoys broad support amongst the UN membership, is the stronger role for regional and sub-regional organizations in dialogue and mediation, but also in peace enforcement. Germany strongly supports the discussion on adequate, predictable and sustainable funding for African-led Peace Support Operations. We commend the leadership of the African Union and are looking forward to further steps to be taken by the Security Council, under the stewardship of its African members.

In this context, we also welcome the leadership of Kenya on the Multidimensional Security Support Mission in Haiti. While there are many more steps to take, this promises to become a much-needed example of international solidarity. Germany is ready to contribute to improving the security in environment in Haiti, and to support the MSS’s work, e. g. by providing financial support for the UN Basket Fund.

We are also looking forward to the Peacekeeping Ministerial in Accra, and commend Ghana for hosting this important conference. We are honored to support our friends and partners in this process.

The discussion on the future of peacekeeping will extend beyond Accra, and Germany intends to not only participate, but also contribute to tangible results and improvements.

Mme Chair,

Germany remains strongly committed to continue its strong support to UN Peacekeeping, contributing troops, police and civilian personnel to peacekeeping missions.

We are also already the fourth-largest contributor to the UN’s peacekeeping budget.

In addition, Germany has been the largest supporter of extra-budgetary projects, with over 30 Mio. USD over the last six years alone. This significant, multi-year funding has allowed DPO and DOS to implement projects inter alia on Women, Peace and Security, child protection, protection of civilians, the better use of digital technologies, medical support, operational resilience and renewable energies, training and capacity building, as well as peacekeeping-intelligence.

We are honored to be able to continue our support to peacekeeping on similar levels, despite a challenging budgetary situation.

Germany will also continue to engage in the policy dialogue on Peacekeeping. We have continuously played an active role in the Special Committee for Peacekeeping (C34), the only body where that allows all member states – including the troop contributing countries – to shape the future of peace operations. We will continue to actively engage in this process.

Let me end by reiterating that Germany stands ready to discuss future peacekeeping with all Member States and, moreover, to contribute to its success.

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