
Statement of Germany during the UN Security Council Open Debate on “Peace through Dialogue: the Contribution of Regional, Sub-regional and Bilateral Arrangements to the Prevention and Peaceful Resolution of Disputes”, 20 October 2023

20.10.2023 - Speech

The statement was delivered by Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen.

Mr President,

I want to thank Brazil for organizing this timely and important debate.

I would also like to thank today’s briefers for their insights.

Germany is a strong and long-time supporter of UN-led prevention and mediation efforts.

Over the past years, we have consistently contributed to the UN’s work in this field, as a major – often the biggest – donor, of the UN Mediation Support Unit, the Peacebuilding Commission and the Secretary-General’s “Good Offices”.

Mr President,

Allow me to make three points:

First, on peaceful dispute resolution under Chapter VI of the UN Charta.

In his New Agenda for Peace, the Secretary General is very explicit. He calls for a better utilization of Chapter VI tools by the Security Council. This comprehensive toolbox is already available. It must be reflected more systematically and frequently in Security Council mandates. We hope that this debate today is a starting point of an in-depth collective reflection on how to achieve this objective.

Regional organizations play a pivotal role here. The Security Council should explore new avenues how to foster co-operation with regional organizations in order to make the best use of their experience with regard to regional and sub-national mediation and dialogue facilitation as well as prevention efforts.


Germany firmly believes, that we will not explore the full potential of peaceful conflict resolution unless we invest =collectively= more in the development of national and regional prevention plans. For this purpose, we support the deployment of Peace and Development Advisors by DPPA & UNDP, who assist national governments on prevention, including the development and implementation of national prevention strategies. Germany has been an early supporter and top contributor in this field for many years.

This approach, however, should not only include governments, but also the societies at large, especially minorities and marginalized groups. Inclusion, ownership and effectiveness go hand in hand – those affected by conflict should be participating in its resolution.

Naturally, this includes women. Therefore, the German government strives to use 100 % of its funding for conflict prevention, peace consolidation and stabilization in a gender-sensitive and, where appropriate, gender-targeted manner. This is also an integral part of our Feminist Foreign policy approach.


we believe that the Peacebuilding Commission is one of the most adequate fora to implement inclusive, nationally owned and regionally supported conflict prevention and resolution. To be effective, UN Peacebuilding efforts require adequate, predictable and sustained funding. We, therefore, call on all Member States to listen to the great majority of UN membership, especially to those from conflict-stricken regions, and stop blocking a consensus on assessed contributions for the Peacebuilding Fund in the 5th Committee.

Mr President,

Let my conclude by saying that, as co-facilitator of the Summit of the Future process, Germany is looking forward to hearing member states’ ideas on the topic discussed today here in the Security Council. This will help us to hammer out, what we believe is our common objective, an ambitious Peace and Security chapter in the Pact of the Future.

I thank you.

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