
German contribution to the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, 10 October 2023

10.10.2023 - Speech

Let me begin by condemning in the strongest possible terms Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel. We urge Hamas to immediately cease fire and to immediately and unconditionally release all hostages. We stand in full solidarity with Israel, exercising its right to self-defence under the UN Charter.

Germany aligns itself with the EU statement. We join others in welcoming the High Commissioner to the Third Committee, and we thank him for his comprehensive report.

For Germany, human rights, peace and security are inextricably linked. In order to holistically strengthen human rights, we push for a stronger link between the Security Council and the Human Rights Council. This is why a substantial and regular exchange is important, and today is a welcome opportunity in this regard.

Germany is a steadfast supporter of your work and of your mandate. We trust in your able leadership to further promote the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of human rights. We believe that promoting and protecting them lies at the heart of successfully addressing the mounting challenges of our time, including conflict and war, climate change, hunger and poverty, racism and other forms of discrimination, but also the increasing pressure on political and civil rights.

Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy puts a particular emphasis on strengthening the rights, resources and representation of women. Our Co-Chairpersonship of the Equal Rights Coalition supports the fight against discrimination.

We agree with you that, in order to address the increasing human rights challenges in the world, your Office needs to be adequately funded and resourced. Germany is proud to be OHCHR’s fourth largest donor, with a significant share of our means un-earmarked to increase budget flexibility.

Germany is an active member of the Human Rights Council and of the Third Committee, where we are facilitating two resolutions again this year. As one of the co-facilitators of the preparatory process for the Summit of the Future, we hope to see a strong human rights footprint in the outcome document next year. Germany is looking forward to continuing its trustful cooperation with your Office, and with you personally.

High Commissioner,

In the year of the 75th anniversary of the UDHR, what are your reflections on the current state of human rights? Where can we be satisfied today, and where must our focus lie in the coming years?

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