
Statement of Germany, UN Security Council Arria-formula Meeting, Reinforcing the implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda for a peaceful and stable Africa, 28 August 2023

28.08.2023 - Speech

The Statement was delivered by Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen

Thank you, Ambassador Agyeman,

Germany aligns itself with the statement delivered by the EU. I would like to add a few remarks in my national capacity.

First and above all, we would to thank Ghana for being a driver in the Council for Youth, Peace, and Security and for convening this important meeting.

We would also like to thank today’s briefers for their valuable insights.

Ambassador, we share Ghana's vision. For Germany, too, the Youth, Peace, and Security Agenda (YPS) holds great significance. During our recent term in the Security Council (2019/2020) advancing YPS was a central priority for us, culminating in the adoption of Resolution 2535 in July 2020 under German presidency.

We remain firmly committed to further strengthen YPS. As one of the Co-Facilitators for the Summit of the Future we will strive to advance youth engagement substantially. It must be an important element of the Summit and the outcome document.

It is also a central theme of our 50th anniversary as full member of the United Nations. In June of this year we have organized a conference in Berlin dedicated to youth and there role within the organization.

The immense potential of the African youth is a driver of change, not only for the African continent but for all us, not least toward achieving sustainable development, lasting peace and enduring stability, but also in tackling climate change.

But this potential must be tapped, and it must be tapped now. It is both our duty and opportunity to empower young people in Africa.

We are deeply impressed by the African Union's remarkable leadership in effectively implementing the YPS agenda at regional level.

Germany believes that investing in the aspirations, talents, and the innovative thinking of young people is crucial. We are now systematically mainstreaming “youth empowerment” in our bilateral cooperation, jointly with our African partners, particularly in the fields of individual and vocational training as well as private sector development.

This also includes our firm commitment to strengthening the YPS agenda in Africa through UN instruments, not least through the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF). As the leading donor to the fund, Germany contributed 170 Million USD over the last four years. We are aiming at further increasing our financial contribution, specifically to bolstering youth-led initiatives in Africa.

Such initiatives encompass a wide spectrum, from education and skills development to youth employment, civic engagement, and leadership training. By investing in the capacity-building of young Africans, we can enable them to actively participate in conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and community reconciliation efforts.

In conclusion, President, Germany reiterates its dedication to fully implement the YPS Agenda. We firmly believe in the power of youth-led initiatives to transform societies, resolve conflicts, and pave the way for a better, peaceful and prosperous future, in Africa and in all other regions of our planet.

I thank you.

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