
German Statement for the UNSC Open Debate on WPS / CRSV: “Promoting Implementation of UNSC Resolutions on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence”, 14 July 2023

14.07.2023 - Speech

The Statement was delivered by Michael Geisler, Political Coordinator.

Germany aligns itself with the Statements on behalf of the EU and on behalf of the Group of Friends of the Responsibility to Protect as well as on behalf of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security.

Please allow me to make some additional remarks, in my national capacity.

The report, which was presented here today, provides an appalling picture of the global situation regarding conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV). It describes a deep crisis of impunity and an unacceptable “rule of lawlessness”.

Sexualised violence is deliberately being used as a tactic of war, as a means of torture and of political repression by states and non-state parties, such as armed groups and mercenaries. It leaves societies traumatized for decades, it is a hindrance to reconciliation and goes unpunished too often.

We have to ensure accountability by effectively prosecuting perpetrators. This is why we strongly support the mandate and work of SRSG Patten, her Team of Experts and the UN Action to End CRSV. We support regularly inviting SRSG Patten to brief sanctions committees. We call on all states to join us in imposing restrictive measures against perpetrators of sexualised violence in conflict.

How can we prevent CRSV from happening in the first place? Wars and armed attacks must be prevented at all costs. Furthermore, we have to level power imbalances that disadvantage women economically and politically and we have to combat misogyny, and gender stereotypes that enable gender-based violence.

While the fight against structural root causes for CRSV is a long-term endeavour, I would like to point out essential measures that can protect and support survivors and victims in the short term:

Member States must establish effective arms and ammunition control regimes, as increased militarization and the proliferation of weapons fuel the occurrence of sexual violence in conflict;

We need to deploy more gender advisors in peace operations and special political missions;

Moreover, Member States need to provide accessible sexual and reproductive health services, as well as psychological and legal support and reparations.

Last but not least, we have to match words with actions and provide predictable and reliable funding to combat CRSV. Germany strongly supports the mandate of SRSG Patten and the Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict. This year we contributed with a project budget of €1,000,000 for their important work.

Since 2023 we have been the lead of the “Call to Action on Protection from Gender-based Violence in Emergencies” – aiming at systemically improving prevention and mitigation of Gender-based Violence. We will continue to be strongly engaged!

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